摘要: 印刷体数学公式识别是OCR技术的重要组成部分,也是识别技术发展的瓶颈所在。在介绍公式识别技术发展现状的基础上,针对结构分析这一公式识别的关键环节,提出了一种基于基准线和字符间空白域特征的公式二维结构分析方法,并将语义和语境分析策略融入其中。实验表明,这种方法对公式结构分析具有较好的鲁棒性和应用前景。
Abstract: Mathematical expressions recognition is an important part of OCR technology. It is also a bottleneck in the development of recognition technology. To the structural analysis stage, which is a crucial course in printed formula recognition, this paper proposes a method which makes use of baseline and operator range with syntax analysis based on the introduction of the development state of mathematical expressions recognition. In experiments, this method shows robust adaptability for the structure of mathematical expressions, and will have a good foreground.
Key words:
Mathematical expressions recognition,
Structural analysis,
Operator rang
田学东;李 娜;徐丽娟. 印刷体数学公式结构分析方法的研究[J]. 计算机工程, 2006, 32(23): 202-204,.
TIAN Xuedong; LI Na; XU Lijuan. Research on Structural Analysis of Mathematical Expressions in Printed Documents[J]. Computer Engineering, 2006, 32(23): 202-204,.