摘要: 提出一种基于单向函数的普适计算密钥管理方案UCKAS。该方案能够较好地完成密钥生成、分发及更新。在安全方面该方案可提供身份鉴别,并且有效地防止节点获取攻击及选择密文攻击。同时该方案解决了数据包丢失问题,可以很好地恢复丢失密钥。对其性能进行评估表明:与SPINS相比,UCKAS只需80%存储空间,通信负载只相当于SPINS的40%,而计算能耗为其1/3。
Abstract: The paper proposes an Ubiquitous Computing Key management Scheme(UCKAS) based on one-way function. UCKAS fulfills the work of generation, distribution and renewing key. From the security aspect, this scheme provides identity authentication and prevents node capture and chosen-ciphertext attack. Furthermore, UCKAS is package-lose tolerance by restoring the loss key. Evaluating its performance comparing to SPINS, UCKAS only needs 80 percent memory space, 40 percent communication overhead, and one third energy overhead by SPINS.
Key words:
ubiquitous computing,
key management scheme,
one-way function
杨 帆;李彩霞;曹奇英. 基于单向函数的普适计算密钥管理方案[J]. 计算机工程, 2009, 35(8): 179-181.
YANG Fan; LI Cai-xia; CAO Qi-ying. Ubiquitous Computing Key Management Scheme Based on One-way Function[J]. Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(8): 179-181.