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计算机工程 ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 291-292. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3428.2011.09.101

• 开发研究与设计技术 • 上一篇    


陈 阳,崔汉国,刘健鑫,代 星   

  1. (海军工程大学船舶与动力学院,武汉 430033)
  • 出版日期:2011-05-05 发布日期:2011-05-12
  • 作者简介:陈 阳(1986-),男,硕士研究生,主研方向:网格优化算法,舰船机械CAD/CAM与仿真;崔汉国,教授、博士;刘健鑫、代 星,博士研究生

Improved Algorithm for Advancing Front Growth in Quadrilateral Mesh Generation

CHEN Yang, CUI Han-guo, LIU Jian-xin, DAI Xing   

  1. (College of Naval Architecture and Power, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)
  • Online:2011-05-05 Published:2011-05-12

摘要: 为提高B样条曲面重构中点云四边形网格的生成效率和质量,对现有的四边形网格Q-Morph前沿边生长算法进行改进,提出面向四边形网格生成的三角网格拓扑优化方法,通过设定生长限制条件和调整网格顶点度,保证全局四边形网格质量,实现适合复杂曲面重构的规则四边形网格获取。实例结果表明,该算法效率高、适应性好,生成的四边形网格具有分布均匀、不规则网格数量少的优点。

关键词: 网格生成, 三角网格, 四边形网格, 复杂曲面, 反求工程

Abstract: To improve the efficiency and quality of quadrilateral mesh generation in B-spline surface reconstruction, an improved Q-Morph advancing front method is proposed. The initial triangular mesh is optimized to fit the quadrilateral mesh generation. By setting the growth constraints and adjusting the mesh vertex degree, the overall quality of quadrilateral mesh is guaranteed. The final mesh which is suitable for complex surface reconstruction is obtained. An example shows this method is efficient and flexible, the consequent mesh has the advantage of uniformity and regularity.

Key words: mesh generation, triangular mesh, quadrilateral mesh, complex surface, reverse engineering
