摘要: 实现了一种基于Spring框架的商业银行专用ETL程序。该程序利用Spring框架的控制反转技术,基于Ibatis的数据访问对象技术和Spring JDBC,以及Spring对Timer的支持,解决了ETL过程中的数据转换、数据载入、生命周期管理、任务调度等关键问题。该程序在IBM System x3850(8864I02)上运行,载入数据的平均速度达到每秒900条记录。
Abstract: A special Extraction-Transformation-Loading(ETL) program for financical banks based on Spring framework is researched and implemented. This program resolves the problems of data transformation, data loading, life cycle management and schedule of tasks in the ETL process by using the techniques of Inversion of Control(IoC), Data Access Object(DAO) based on Ibatis, Spring JDBC and the support to Timer of Spring framework. The average speed of loading records is 900/s, when runs on IBM System x3850(8864I02).
Key words:
Extraction-Transformation-Loading(ETL) tool,
Spring framework,
data transformation,
task schedule
屈志毅;张延堂;王 戈. 一种金融系统专用ETL工具的研究与实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2008, 34(20): 80-81.
QU Zhi-yi; ZHANG Yan-tang; WANG Ge. Study and Implementation of Special ETL Tool for Finance System[J]. Computer Engineering, 2008, 34(20): 80-81.