摘要: 指针分析对于使用C语言编制程序的数据流分析有着重要的意义。该文介绍指针问题的复杂度、指针分析算法的分类以及指针分析算法的现状,并采用Atkinson提出的基于函数类型过滤得到较为精确的函数调用图的思想,改进刘强提出的上下文敏感的过程间指针分析算法,在对使用函数指针进行函数调用时,使用函数原型过滤限制在函数调用处的函数指针的指向集,提高指针分析的精确度。
Abstract: Pointer analysis plays an important role in the dataflow analysis of programs which are written by C. This paper gives an introduction of the complexity of the pointer analysis problem, classification of algorithms and algorithms which people have promoted until now. Adopting the idea of function type signature filtering given by Atkinson, this paper gives an improvement for the algorithm promoted by Liu Qiang which is a context-sensitive inter-procedural one, and this improvement decreases the size of the set of pointers at the statements where indirect function calls occur and improves the precision of pointer analysis.
Key words:
pointer analysis,
function type filtering,
dataflow analysis
孙洪浩;王树义;林晓斌;王晓飞. 过程间指针分析算法的改进[J]. 计算机工程, 2009, 35(1): 90-92,1.
SUN Hong-hao; WANG Shu-yi; LIN Xiao-bin; WANG Xiao-fei. Improvement of Inter-procedural Pointer Analysis Algorithm[J]. Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(1): 90-92,1.