摘要: 为了提高对垃圾短信的拦截效率,提出一种同时从发送号码、发送频率以及短信内容3个方面对垃圾短信进行过滤的方法。通过黑白名单从发送号码进行一次过滤,对群发短信进行内容分析过滤,发送频率的引入可以实现黑名单的自动生成。以内容过滤为核心,并对其进行了阐述,基于Struts框架进行设计与实现了一个垃圾短信拦截模块。实验结果表明,查准率达到了90.69%。
Abstract: In order to improve junk message intercepting efficiency, one scheme is adopted by filtering junk message according to sending numbers, sending frequencies and content synchronously, which filters sending numbers based on the black-and-white list first and analyzes the spam content afterwards. Sending frequencies is applied to realize the blacklist generation. The core of this method is content filtering which is expounded. This paper designs a spam intercepting module just based on the Struts framework. Experimental result shows that the system’s succee can reach 90.69%.
Key words:
junk short message,
Struts framework,
approximate matching,
filter system
杨妮娜;王 庆. 基于Struts框架的垃圾短信过滤模块的设计[J]. 计算机工程, 2009, 35(1): 283-封三.
YANG Ni-na; WANG Qing. Design of Junk Short Message Filter Module Based on Struts Framework[J]. Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(1): 283-封三.