摘要: 针对数据量庞大、复杂的三维数据场环境下航路规划速度偏低的问题,提出一种基于统一计算设备架构(CUDA)的三维数据场航路规划方法。该方法以三维水下声场为威胁模型,水下航行的潜艇为背景,运用CUDA对大规模数据场环境下对航路进行规划,对可并行计算部分与CUDA进行计算,仿真结果证明该方法可以提高规划速率、优化初始航路。
Abstract: Aiming at the low rate of route planning due to huge, complex 3D data, this paper proposes a 3D data field route planning based on Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA). The method takes the 3D underwater acoustic field as the threaten model, the navigational submarine as the background,uses CUDA to do the route planning under massive data field, computes the part which can parallel computing with CUDA. Simulation result proves that the method can raise planning speed, and optimize initial route.
Key words:
route planning,
Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA),
route optimization
笪良龙;臧 涛;杨廷武;刘 贝. 基于CUDA的三维数据场航路规划方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2009, 35(19): 245-247.
DA Liang-long; ZANG Tao; YANG Ting-wu; LIU Bei. 3D Data Field Route Planning Method Based on CUDA[J]. Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(19): 245-247.