摘要: 分析基于Minisat软件的代数攻击方法,发现由该代数攻击方法对某些密码算法所建立的方程组中存在冗余方程,研究去除所有冗余方程的预处理方法,基于该方法提出先去除冗余方程,再利用Minisat软件求解无冗余方程组的代数攻击方法。实验结果表明,对CTC算法,新的攻击方法的攻击时间平均缩短了1/2,冗余方程的存在降低了基于Minisat软件的代数攻击的效率。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the method of algebraic attacks based on Minisat. It finds that the functions which are built from this method are redundant for some ciphers, gives a pretreatment method to throw off these redundancy functions and a method of algebraic attack based on this pretreatment and using Minisat to solve functions. Using this improved method, experimental results show that the method can cut down half time of one attack on average on CTC algorithm. These redundant functions make the algebraic attack based on Minisat becomes inefficient.
Key words:
algebraic attack,
non-linear system of equations,
redundant equation,
CTC algorithm
卜 凡. 冗余方程对基于Minisat的代数攻击影响[J]. 计算机工程, 2010, 36(1): 177-180.
BU Fan. Affection of Redundant Equations to Algebraic Attack Based on Minisat[J]. Computer Engineering, 2010, 36(1): 177-180.