摘要: 介绍适应分子网络建模和信息系统需求的自动画图算法的研究成果。在分析代谢途径自动布局、力导向布局和基于网格的布局等3类具有代表性的自动画图算法的基础上,探究其各自的原理、内在联系、存在的优缺点以及亟待解决的问题,为应用网络可视化手段分析和解决具体生物问题提供参考和线索。
Abstract: This paper presents a survey of algorithms for automatic drawings to meet the needs of molecular network modeling and information systems. On the basis of analyzing the history and present situation of three typical layout algorithms including metabolic pathway, force-directed and grid layout, the principles, internal relations, strengths and weaknesses and burning questions for these algorithms are mainly probed, which can provide references and clues for analyzing and solving specific biological problems by network visualization methods.
Key words:
complex biological networks,
graph drawing,
force-directed layout,
grid layout
何 胜;梅 娟;王正祥;李炜疆;. 复杂生物网络自动画图算法分析[J]. 计算机工程, 2010, 36(8): 292-封三.
HE Sheng; MEI Juan; WANG Zheng-xiang; LI Wei-jiang;. Automatic Drawings Algorithms Analysis of Complex Biological Networks[J]. Computer Engineering, 2010, 36(8): 292-封三.