摘要: 在基于包装器的Web信息提取工作中,抽取规则占有重要的地位。由于网页经常改版,使得抽取规则需要不断更新,且手工生成抽取规则是一项费时费力的工作。为此,提出一种自动生成抽取规则的方法,通过扫描HTML源码,生成带语义信息的TABLE树,用以识别网页中的数据表格,并在此基础上利用贪心算法自动生成抽取规则。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的准确率和F指数,且对于识别出的表格具有较高的规则生成率。
Abstract: Extraction rule plays an important role in Web information extraction based on wrappers. As the Web pages often change, the rule is updated frequently. However, it is a hard work to find extraction rule by hand. This paper proposes an auto extraction rule generation method, which constructs a semantic TABLE tree after scanning HTML code. The semantic TABLE trees is used to identify the data table, and the extraction rule is generated automatically through a greedy algorithm. Experiment result shows that it has high precision and F-score, and has high rule generation rate to the identified table.
Key words:
Web information extraction,
extraction rules,
semantic TABLE trees,
greedy algorithm
张志远, 徐涛, 冯霞. 航班信息抽取规则的自动生成技术[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(6): 65-67.
ZHANG Zhi-Yuan, XU Chao, FENG Xia. Auto Generation Technology for Flight Information Extraction Rules[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(6): 65-67.