摘要: 目前在复杂电子商务环境下的P2P信任模型对于欺诈交易的遏止和惩罚力度不够,为此,提出基于交易成功率的P2P电子商务信任模型,从单次交易信任值、综合信任值、直接交易成功率、间接交易成功率方面给出模型的具体实现方法。仿真结果表明,与淘宝的信任模型相比,该模型具有更好的评价准确率和交易成功率。
Abstract: Aiming at the problems that stem and penalties are not enough for fraud trading which exist in the complex e-commerce environment using P2P trust model, this paper proposes a P2P e-commerce trust model based on transaction success rate. It gives the model implementation method in a single trust value, integrated trust value, the success rate of direct transactions and indirect transaction success rate. Simulation results show that the model is better than Taobao’s trust model in assessment of accuracy and transaction success rate.
Key words:
P2P E-commerce trust model,
transaction success rate,
evaluation accuracy rate
唐伟, 郑小林. 基于交易成功率的P2P电子商务信任模型[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(7): 285-287.
TANG Wei, ZHENG Xiao-Lin. P2P E-Commerce Trust Model Based on Transaction Success Rate[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(7): 285-287.