摘要: 现有支持快速查询的数据库加密方案未给出字符字段的划分值提取方法。针对该问题,提出一个基于最佳桶划分的数据库加密存储与查询方案。该方案利用最佳桶划分思想提取索引字段的划分值,通过提取代加密字段的索引值以及转换查询数据库的SQL语句实现加密字符型数据的存储和查询。实验结果表明,该方案具有较高的首次查询命中率和稳定的过滤效率,能提高加密系统的整体性能。
Abstract: The database encryption scheme which supports the rapid inquires does not give the partition value extraction method of character and field, in order to solve the problem, this paper presents a database encryption storage and query based on optimal bucket partition. It chooses partition value based on optimal bucket partition, and the query and storage for encrypted string data is according to extract index value of agent encryption field and converse SQL statement of inquiry database. Experimental result shows that this scheme has higher first inquiry shooting and stable filtering efficiency, it can improve the encryption system performance.
Key words:
database encryption,
encryption storage and query,
optimal bucket partition,
ciphertext index,
filtering efficiency
林艳纯, 王晓明. 基于最佳桶划分的数据库加密存储与查询[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(17): 105-107,110.
LIN Yan-Chun, WANG Xiao-Meng. Database Encryption Storage and Query Based on Optimal Bucket Partition[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(17): 105-107,110.