摘要: 针对存储网络系统的能耗问题,提出一种与系统扩展和负载相关的能耗模型。采用对系统各个组成模块的能耗进行分析的方法,研究存储网络系统的能耗结构,测试该系统各个模块的基础能耗以及各个模块与负载相关的能耗。实验结果表明,该模型能够反映真实系统的能耗状况。
Abstract: For the energy consumption of network storage system, this paper establishes an energy consumption model which relates to system expansion and workload. By the methord of analyzing each module’s energy consumption in network storage system and combined with an actual system testing, it analyzes the energy consumption architecture about network storage system, further more, it describes each module’s atomic energy consumption and the energy consumption related to model workload in the system. By comparison, the model is proved to be able to reflect the true situation of system.
Key words:
storage network,
system expansion,
mass storage system,
energy consumption model,
workload analysis
杨雷, 李先国, 张晓. 通用存储网络系统的能耗研究[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(18): 53-55.
YANG Lei, LI Xian-Guo, ZHANG Xiao. Research on Energy Consumption of General Storage Network System[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(18): 53-55.