摘要: 提出一种基于镜头标记与动态滑动窗口的视频摘要生成方法。对视频进行镜头分割,利用帧差累积法将镜头分成静态镜头和动态镜头并标记。运用动态滑动窗口,对标记镜头进行归类。提取集合镜头的关键帧,抽取冗余少、涵盖内容丰富的镜头帧,组合成视频摘要。实验结果表明,该方法能快速准确地生成视频摘要。
Abstract: This paper presents a video summary generation method based on shot mark and dynamic sliding window. The video is segmented to a shot set, the shots are divided into two catalogs: static shot and dynamic shot, by cumulating difference of frames. The marked shots are classified using dynamic sliding window method. According to certain rules, key frames with less redundancy and covering the rich content of the video are extracted to generate the video summary. Experimental results show the method can effectively and quickly generate the video summary.
Key words:
secondary classification,
frame difference accumulation,
shot mark,
dynamic sliding window,
video summary
张玉培, 孔敏, 翟素兰, 罗斌. 基于镜头标记与动态滑动窗口的视频摘要生成[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(2): 256-258.
ZHANG Yu-Pei, KONG Min, DI Su-Lan, LUO Bin. Video Summary Generation Based on Shot Mark and Dynamic Sliding Window[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(2): 256-258.