摘要: 针对空间远距离非合作目标的点目标跟踪问题,研究基于非地面测控数据支持的远距离空间目标的在轨主/被动融合跟踪方法。包括运用基于被动传感器以及雷达间歇辅助测距跟踪的Unscented卡尔曼滤波(UKF)方法,得到非合作目标的运动状态信息,即利用光学跟踪摄像机的二维角度量测值及雷达间歇提供的距离量测值,估计目标的惯性位置与速度方法,为后续自主空间操作建立初始轨道状态数据。仿真结果表明,当状态误差和量测噪声改变时,UKF均能持续跟踪远距离非合作目标,使得雷达间歇提供的距离信息可以得到更好的跟踪精度。
Abstract: For the problem of tracking long distance in-orbit non-cooperative point target, a synergy tracking algorithm of active/passive fusion system is given. Using Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) algorithm based on passive sensor and intermittent-working mode of radar, the state information of non-cooperative target is established, using angle’s measurements provided by the optical camera and intermittent range’s measurements provided by the radar to estimate position and velocity of the target. The non-cooperative target’s state information can use as the initial orbit data for autonomy space operations. Simulation results indicate that the point target can be tracking consciously based on UKF algorithm when the state error and measurement noise are changing, and intermittent range information provided by radar can get better tracking accuracy.
Key words:
non-cooperative target,
optical tracking,
radar tracking,
maneuver detection,
fusion tracking,
Unscented Kalman Filtering(UKF)
黄京梅, 胡士强. 空间非合作目标在轨主/被动融合跟踪方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(04): 149-151.
HUANG Jing-Mei, HU Shi-Jiang. Tracking Method of Space Non-cooperative Target with Active/Passive Fusion In-orbit[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(04): 149-151.