摘要: 为解决并行离散事件仿真技术开发难度大的问题,提出一种基于事件图的并行离散事件仿真方法。采用模型驱动体系结构,利用转换器将事件图模型自动转换为基于逻辑进程的并行离散事件仿真可执行代码。并行离散事件仿真的建模方式由以代码为中心的模式发展为以模型为中心的模式。实验结果表明,该方法能提高并行离散事件的仿真效率。
Abstract: A method of Event Graph(EG) based Parallel Discrete Event Simulation(PDES) is presented in this paper, because developing Logical Process(LP) based PDES in existing PDES programming environments is a difficult and time-consuming process. This method adopts Model Driven Architecture(MDA), and the system implementation can automatically generate from EG model via transformation mechanism. It shifts the focus of PDES development from writing code to building models, and facilitates the developing efforts for PDES applications. Experimental results show that EG models can successfully execute in parallel simulator, and this method can effectively improve the PDES modeling activities.
Key words:
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation(PDES),
Event Graph(EG),
Logical Process(LP),
model driven architecture,
model transformation
夏薇, 姚益平, 慕晓冬. 基于事件图的并行离散事件仿真方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(7): 1-3.
JIA Wei, TAO Yi-Beng, MU Xiao-Dong. Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Method Based on Event Graph[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(7): 1-3.