摘要: 分析张燕燕等人提出的基于离散对数问题的无证书签名方案(计算机工程与应用,2011年第12期),指出在该方案中,敌手通过替换公钥可以伪造任何签名人对任意消息的签名,并提出一个无需双线性对运算的改进方案。理论分析结果证明,改进方案在最强安全模型下是存在性不可伪造的,且签名和验证效率更高。
Abstract: This paper analyzes a certificateless signature scheme based on discrete logarithm problem, which is proposed by Zhang Yanyan et al and points out that their scheme is universally forgeable, and an adversary can forge any signer’s valid signature on any message by replacing public key. It also presents an improved scheme which is proved to be existentially unforgeable in a super security model. In addition, the improved scheme has the advantage of high computation efficiency, as there is no heavily cost bilinear pairing operation in the improved scheme.
Key words:
Discrete Logarithm Problem(DLP),
certificateless signature,
universally forgeable,
existentially unforgeable,
bilinear pairings
杨波, 肖自碧, 李寿贵, 宋春光. 一种无证书签名方案的分析与改进[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(9): 15-18.
YANG Bei, XIAO Zi-Bi, LI Shou-Gui, SONG Chun-Guang. Analysis and Improvement of Certificateless Signature Scheme[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(9): 15-18.