摘要: 正弦函数具有多个自变量对应于单个变量值的多映射特性,为此,在单向散列函数SHA-1的基础上,设计一种适用于无线传感器网络的轻量级身份认证方案。该方案将平台发送的随机数及自身密钥进行哈希变换,并组合成取值范围较广的正弦函数变量进行正弦投影,由此获得一组取值简单的映射值,完成身份认证要素的变换运算。在MICAz无线节点上进行实验,结果证明该方案在提高SHA-1安全性、抵抗传统攻击的基础上,具有存储小、能耗低的特点。
Abstract: This paper designs an identity authentication scheme for Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) based on SHA-1 function. By using the feature of multi-mapping, it is widely used in terminal node of WSN which has limited resources. The hash operation is done on the random number sent by the platform and the terminal node’s key respectively, the results are integrated to be sinusoidal function variable which has larger value range, the variable is operated by sinusoidal projection, and a set of simpler projection values are obtained. Experiments on MICAz demonstrate that the scheme not only can improve the security of SHA-1, avoid traditional attack, but also can achieve better performance such as less memory space and energy.
Key words:
sinusoidal projection,
hash function,
identity authentication,
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN),
SHA-1 algorithm
隆笑, 王景成, 赵广磊, 胡霆, 张震玮, 何军, 于长健. 基于哈希函数的正弦投影身份认证方案[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(9): 125-126,130.
LONG Xiao, WANG Jing-Cheng, DIAO An-Lei, HU Ting, ZHANG Shen-Wei, HE Jun, XU Chang-Jian. Sinusoidal Projection Identity Authentication Scheme Based on Hash Function[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(9): 125-126,130.