摘要: 提出一种长方体表面透视变形的校正方法。通过长方体表面对边平行的性质确定图像的消失线,得到图像采集系统的成像模型,参照消失线的位置在图像平面和长方体表面所在平面上分别建立平面直角坐标系,并计算两坐标系的对应关系,按对应关系对图像进行插值处理。校正后的矩形图像的长宽比例和实际长方体表面的长宽比例严格相同。实验结果表明,该方法对长方体表面透视变形的校正有较好的效果。
Abstract: The images filmed by digital devices are always coupled with perspective distortions, which result in a failure of the layout processing and recognition. An effective perspective distortion correction method is presented to resolve the perspective distortion correction in cuboid’s surface. A vanishing line is determined by two pairs of parallel lines which are four edges of cuboid’s surface. The vanishing line is used to determine the direction and value of perspective distortion correction. An image can be obtained which is same as original cuboid’s surface except the size. Experimental results show that this method is accurately and effectively for perspective distortion correction in cuboid’s surface.
Key words:
radon transformation,
perspective distortion,
vanishing line,
vanishing point,
transformation matrix,
Local Variance Distribution(LVS)
郑全新, 杨明强, 李文辉. 基于消失线的长方体表面透视变形校正方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(5): 261-265.
ZHENG Quan-Xin, YANG Meng-Jiang, LI Wen-Hui. Perspective Distortion Correction Method of Cuboid’s Surface Based on Vanishing Line[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(5): 261-265.