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韩道军 a,b,甘甜 b,叶曼曼 b,沈夏炯 a,b   

  1. (河南大学 a.数据与知识工程研究所; b.计算机与信息工程学院,河南 开封 475004)
  • 收稿日期:2014-12-31 出版日期:2016-02-15 发布日期:2016-01-29
  • 作者简介:韩道军(1979-),男,副教授、博士,主研方向为形式概念分析、空间数据处理、信息安全;甘甜、叶曼曼,硕士研究生;沈夏炯,教授、博士。
  • 基金资助:

Research of Ontology Construction Method Based on Formal Concept Analysis

HAN Daojun a,b,GAN Tian b,YE Manman  b,SHEN Xiajiong  a,b   

  1. (a.Institute of Data and Knowledge Engineering; b.School of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University,Kaifeng,Henan 475004,China)
  • Received:2014-12-31 Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-01-29

摘要: 针对传统本体构建方法依靠人工费时费力、主观干扰较大、对隐含概念和关系提取不足等问题,提出基于形式概念分析构建本体的方法。根据本体构建数据源的结构化程度,将这些构建方法分为3类,即基于结构化资源、基于非结构化资源和异构资源的合并本体构建方法。针对这3种类别,分析和阐述代表性的本体构建方法的优缺点,在比较结果中发现基于形式概念分析构建本体具有较大的改进空间,结合具体应用领域构建时需要在对象和属性的取舍、针对不同语言特点构建形式背景等问题上作进一步研究。

关键词: 形式概念分析, 概念格, 本体构建, 结构化资源, 非结构化资源

Abstract: To solve these problems during traditional ontology construction like relying on artificial,wasting time and energy,subjective interference,lack of latent concept extraction and so on,researchers propose methods of ontology construction based on Formal Concept Analysis(FCA).According to the structure level of data resource using in ontology construction,these methods are divided into three classes:methods based on structured resource,methods based on unstructured resource,combine ontology construction based on different structure resource.This paper analyses a series of representational methods of these three classes respectively about their advantages and disadvantages,and finds that there is big improvement space on the choice between objects and attributes as well as making context aiming at different language combined with the constrction of the specific application domain.

Key words: Formal Concept Analysis(FCA), concept lattice, ontology construction, structured resource, unstructured resource
