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• 人工智能及识别技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


何湘竹 1,2,黄继达 2   

  1. (1.中南民族大学电子信息工程学院,武汉 430074;2.华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院,武汉 430074)
  • 收稿日期:2015-02-02 出版日期:2016-03-15 发布日期:2016-03-15
  • 作者简介:何湘竹(1974-),女,副教授、博士研究生,主研方向为智能优化算法;黄继达,硕士研究生。
  • 基金资助:


Economic Load Dispatch of Power Systems Based on Constrained Cuckoo Algorithm

HE Xiangzhu  1,2,HUANG Jida  2   

  1. (1.College of Electronics and Information Engineering,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan 430074,China;2.School of Mechanical Science and Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China)
  • Received:2015-02-02 Online:2016-03-15 Published:2016-03-15


由于阀点效应的存在以及输电系统输送能力和系统稳定性等条件的限制,使得经济负荷分配(ELD)问题成为非连续、非凸、非线性的约束优化问题,致使一些经典的优化算法和启发式算法无法在合理时间内发现最优解。针对ELD的特点,将布谷鸟算法与罚函数法集成,提出基于约束处理的布谷鸟算法,为验证算法的有效性和鲁棒性,选取IEEE 3个标准测试案例进行仿真计算,结果表明,与经典ELD优化算法相比,基于约束处理的布谷鸟算法在收敛速度和搜索精度上有较大提升,能够有效求解经济负荷分配问题。

关键词: 电力系统, 经济负荷分配, 阀点效应, 布谷鸟算法, 约束处理, 罚函数


Economic Load Dispatch(ELD) is one of the typical optimization problems in the operation and scheduling of power systems,which plays an important role in improving the economy and reliability of power systems.However,valve-point effects and some constrains such as the transporting ability and system stability change it into a non-smooth and non-convex optimization problem which challenges the traditional optimization techniques in finding the optimal solution in reasonable time.By integrating cuckoo search with the penalty function constrains addressing mechanism,this paper presents a new constrained cuckoo algorithm to solve the economic load dispatch.To illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm,3 IEEE typical cases are selected and examined by this novel method,results show that,compared with some ELD solution techniques reported in the literature,the proposed algorithm has good searching ability to find the global optima,and has good accuracy and convergence characteristics,which provides a new way to solve ELD problem in practice.

Key words: power system, Economic Load Dispatch(ELD), valve-point effect, Cuckoo algorithm, constrained handling, penalty function
