摘要: 传统动态帧时隙ALOHA算法容易造成较多的时隙浪费,且Q值调整速度缓慢,导致系统的吞吐率偏低。针对该问题,在分析传统Q算法的基础上,提出一种改进的防碰撞算法。利用时隙分组思想将Q算法中各轮盘存的时隙分为若干组,在每组时隙盘存结束后都根据估计的标签数量动态调整Q值。仿真和硬件平台实验结果表明,该算法的平均吞吐率比传统Q算法高7%左右,比MQ算法高3%左右。
Abstract: The traditional Dynamic Framed Slot ALOHA(DFSA) algorithm easily brings the waste of time slot.What is more,the Q value is adjusted slowly.Therefore the throughput of Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) system is lower.Aiming at this problem,based on the analysis of the traditional Q algorithm,this paper proposes an improved anti-collision algorithm which is on the basis of time slot grouping,so as to eliminate above defect.In this algorithm,time slot can be divided into several groups based on the traditional Q algorithm.At the end of each inventory,it dynamically adjusts the Q value according to the estimated number of labels.The simulation results and the experimental results in hardware platform indicate that,the average throughput rate of this algorithm is about seven percent higher than traditional Q algorithm and is about three percent higher than MQ algorithm.
Key words:
Radio Frequency Identification(RFID),
anti-collision algorithm,
Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA(DFSA) algorithm,
time slot grouping,
Q algorithm
何伟健,陆江城,周灿煜,梁泳新,杨健. 基于时隙分组的超高频RFID防碰撞算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2018, 44(6): 283-287.
HE Weijian,LU Jiangcheng,ZHOU Canyu,LIANG Yongxin,YANG Jian. Anti-collision Algorithm of Ultra High Frequency RFID Based on Time Slot Grouping[J]. Computer Engineering, 2018, 44(6): 283-287.