摘要: 针对异构生产装置数据采集、集成和管理中的数据集成问题,提出一种分布式过程实时数据集成方法,给出系统体系结构和数据集成原理。采用Hash-AVL树的数据结构对生产数据进行描述,利用XML技术对实时数据及访问请求进行封装,实现统一的数据访问接口。该方法应用到某石化企业综合自动化系统,对100个数据点进行并发访问时,数据更新周期小于3 s,结果证明了分布式数据集成方法可以满足对现场生产装置异构实时数据进行集成的要求。
Abstract: Considering the data integration problem in data acquisition devices, integration and management of heterogeneous production, an integration method of distributed process real-time data is proposed meanwhile the system architecture and the principle of data integration are given. Hash-AVL tree is adopted to describe the production data. XML is applied in the method to unify data access interface. The method is used in the automation system of a petrochemical enterprise. For the 100 data points in the concurrent test, the updating period is less than 3 s. Results show that the method of real-time data integration can integrate heterogeneous real-time data and meet the demands of process industry.
Key words:
real-time data,
data integration,
XML technology,
Hash-AVL tree
薛尧予;王建林;赵利强. 分布式过程实时数据集成方法及其实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2010, 36(3): 55-57.
XUE Yao-yu; WANG Jian-lin; ZHAO Li-qiang. Integration Method and Its Realization of Distributed Process Real-time Data[J]. Computer Engineering, 2010, 36(3): 55-57.