摘要: 基于指挥所操作业务的应用需求,定义适用于指挥所中人机交互的上下文信息。在选取该上下文信息的过程中,利用OWL语言完成指挥所业务上下文描述,建立交互信息上下文感知模型。运用SWRL逻辑规则对交互信息上下文进行推理,获得业务交互过程中高层上下文语义后进行自适应调整。以一个师指挥所作战指挥业务想定为例,说明计算机通过用户交互位置和上级指令上下文信息进行调整,从而满足当前用户的交互位置和交互业务。
Abstract: For the application requirement of command post business, this paper defines interaction context information for human computer interaction in command space. Based on choosing the interaction context information of command post business, OWL language is used to describe the context information in command post business and the context awareness model of interaction information is built up. Semantic Web Rule Language(SWRL) rules are introduced to context reasoning on the interaction context information. So it can get richer context-semantics during the interaction in the course of operation and correspond adaptively. Through an example which is a battle scenario of division command post shows how the computer acts adaptively according to contexts of user’s location and leader’s instruction.
Key words:
command post business,
interaction information,
context reasoning,
Semantic Web Rule Language(SWRL) rule
谈益兴, 凌云翔, 叶挺, 邓志宏. 基于上下文推理的指挥所业务交互研究[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(2): 69-71.
TAN Yi-Xin, LING Yun-Xiang, XIE Ting, DENG Zhi-Hong. Research on Command Post Business Interaction Based on Context Reasoning[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(2): 69-71.