摘要: 针对传统水面波浪模拟真实感较差的问题,提出一种改进的水面模拟方法。通过Gerstner模型生成水面波浪的基本造型,利用改进的曲面熵算法对水面进行动态分区,对不同区域施加不同程度的水面扰动,通过修正纹理映射位移的方法提高水面质感,基于GPU技术实现光照效果。实验结果证明,该方法能有效提高水面的真实感,达到较快的绘制速度。
Abstract: Traditional water wave simulation can not generate realistic water surface. Aiming at this problem, this paper proposes an improved method for water simulation. It uses Gerstner wave model to produce water surface geometry, decomposes the water surface into a set of intersected parts with modified surface entropy, disturbs the vertex normal with different degree, by modifying texture mapping for water surface to improve reality, and applies the optics based on GPU. Experimental result demonstrates that the method can generate realistic water model and get higher rendering efficiency.
Key words:
Virtual Reality(VR),
water surface simulation,
Gerstner model,
surface entropy,
texture mapping
王海玲, 印桂生, 张菁, 王建. 基于改进曲面熵的动态水面模拟方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(6): 24-26.
WANG Hai-Ling, YI Gui-Sheng, ZHANG Jing, WANG Jian. Dynamic Water Surface Simulation Method Based on Improved Surface Entropy[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(6): 24-26.