摘要: 通过采用PCI Express接口,应用并行和流水线技术,提高存储系统的读写速率。设计闪存映射层算法,在不降低系统读写性能的基础上易于管理数据。该方案在Virtex 5 FPGA上实现,并对其性能进行测试,结果表明,数据连续写速率达到400 MB/s,读速率达到500 MB/s,能满足高端应用的需求。
PCI Express接口,
Abstract: By the use of PCI Express interface, and parallelization and pipelining technology, the rate of read and write is raised. A reasonable Flash Translation Layer(FTL) algorithm is designed, the great convenience data management without reducing read and write performance is supplied. The design is implemented on the Virtex 5 FPGA, and its performance is tested. The consecutive write rate is about 400 MB/s, and read rate is up to 500 MB/s. This can meet the demand for high level application.
Key words:
flash memory,
storage system,
PCI Express interface,
Flash Translation Layer(FTL),
pipelining technology
武国强, 林宝军, 张善从. 基于PCI Express的闪存存储系统设计[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(18): 25-27.
WU Guo-Jiang, LIN Bao-Jun, ZHANG Shan-Cong. Design of Flash Memory Storage System Based on PCI Express[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(18): 25-27.