摘要: 针对现有异步转移模式测试仪器通用性弱、成本高等局限性,设计基于现场可编程门列阵和嵌入式ARM的多用户测试系统。采用基于Web的监控台,使得用户只要接入网络就能通过Web页面对待测设备进行测试,从而解决专用测试仪表不能多地多人同时测试的问题。测试结果表明,该设计具有体积小、成本低、设计灵活等特点,可以满足专用高速传输和交换设备的测试需求。
Abstract: Because of the characteristics of small volume, low power, low cost and flexible design that the system has, the design and implementation of multiuser test system based on Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) and Advanced RISC Machines(ARM) is introduced in this paper. It can satisfy the specific needs of Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) test. Because of the console based on Web users as long as access this network can operation the test system, which solves the problem of people can not test on the same time because it is expensive. With the characteristics of small volume, low power, low cost and flexible design that the system can satisfy the specific needs of high speed ATM test. Test show it can satisfy the need of high-speed transmission and exchange equipment.
Key words:
Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA),
Advanced RISC Machines(ARM) processor,
Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM),
multiuser test
张文亭, 张曙光, 乔庐峰, 陈庆华. 基于FPGA和ARM的多用户测试系统[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(22): 211-214.
ZHANG Wen-Ting, ZHANG Shu-Guang, JIAO Lu-Feng, CHEN Qiang-Hua. Multiuser Test System Based on FPGA and ARM[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(22): 211-214.