摘要: 针对求解GF(2)域的线性方程组问题,改进现有的高斯消元算法,提出一种快速求解未知向量的硬件并行结构,通过增加消元与行循环位移的并行操作以降低时间复杂度,采用一类仿“smart memory”基本单元的互联完成整个算法在硬件上的映射。对结构的性能分析表明,对于密度远大于或小于0.5的n阶二值增广矩阵,并行结构平均计算时间约为2n个时钟周期,远小于软件算法时间(1/4n3)。在 3阶~50阶的二值非稀疏增广矩阵上的实现结果表明,与软件实现相比,该结构的性能可提高约2个数量级。
Abstract: This paper presents an efficient parallel architecture for fast solving linear system of equations over binary operations of GF(2), which is derived from a proposed hardware-optimized Gaussian elimination. The optimization of the Gaussian elimination with pivot element is realized by using parallel elimination and cyclic shift operations instead of loop nest in each iteration. A mesh structure of “smart memory” cells is proposed for building the whole parallel architecture where the modified algorithm is mapped onto. The average running time of the architecture for n-dimension binary matrix equals 2n cycles as opposed to about 1/4n3 in software. Experimental results show that the performance of the system is improved by about two orders of magnitude.
Key words:
linear system of equations,
parallel architecture,
binary operation,
hardware-optimized Gaussian elimination
张博为, 吴艳霞, 顾国昌, 孙霖. 一种快速求解二值线性方程组的并行结构[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(11): 281-283,286.
ZHANG Bo-Wei, TUN Yan-Xia, GU Guo-Chang, SUN Lin. Parallel Architecture for Fast Solving Binary Linear System of Equations[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(11): 281-283,286.