摘要: 嵌入式视频点播在码流传输时流畅度、同步效果及资源利用率等方面存在冲突。为此,提出一种优化的码流传输同步方案。采用音视频分割同步发送算法,实现码流同步发送,使用音频自适应抖动缓冲算法、视频去抖动算法完成音视频去抖动,并降低丢包率,在解码前进行音视频2次同步,利用基于缓冲区的和式增加积式减少控制算法和实时流传输协议实现网络拥塞控制。测试结果表明,该方案的流内同步时延在100 ms内,流间同步时延在125 ms内,能优化码流流畅度和系统资源利用率。
Abstract: Considering the conflicts among synchronization result, steam fluency and resource utilization traditional in stream transmission of embedded Video on Demand(VOD), an optimization scheme of code stream transmission synchronization is proposed. This scheme uses audio and video segmentation synchronization algorithm for sending data, uses the combination of audio adaptive jitter buffer algorithm and video de-jitter algorithm to reduce the jitter and packet loss rate, and does second A/V synchronization before decoding. It uses Buffer Based-additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease(BB-AIMD) algorithm to implement congestion control. Experimental results show this scheme ensures in-stream synchronization delay within 100 ms and out-stream synchronization delay around 125 ms, and significantly improves the stream fluency and resource utilization.
Key words:
Video on Demand(VOD),
code stream synchronization,
congestion control,
jitter buffer,
resource optimization,
packet loss rate
钱琛, 陈耀武. 嵌入式VOD码流传输同步优化方案[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(18): 268-272.
JIAN Chen, CHEN Yao-Wu. Code Stream Transmission Synchronization Optimization Scheme of Embedded VOD[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(18): 268-272.