摘要: 针对网页被篡改后的访问保护和快速恢复问题,以分布式网页防篡改系统的备份恢复为背景,提出一种基于本地快照和Rsync同步的Web文件保护方法。当Web页面被篡改时,Web服务器通过快照技术将原Web页面的映像发送给用户浏览,使得系统完好无损,进一步调用Rsync算法从备份服务器上同步Web文件,从而实现恢复。实验结果表明,该方法可保护被篡改页面不被访问,具备较好的快速恢复性能。
Abstract: Aiming at the problem how to forbid tampered Web pages are not accessed and are recovered soon, by using the background of backup and recovery functions of the distributed anti-tampered system, a Web file protection method based on local snapshot and Rsync synchronization is proposed. When the Web pages are tampered illegally, the images of old Web pages are responded to the users and the users feel they are tampered, and they are recovered through the Rsync synchronization. Experimental results show that this Web file protection method can protect that the tampered pages are not accessed, it can be recovered fast.
Key words:
Web page anti-tampered,
Web file protection,
backup and recovery,
local snapshot,
file synchronization,
Rsync algorithm
何倩, 赵帮, 王勇, 杨指挥. 基于本地快照和Rsync算法的Web文件保护[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(6): 190-193,199.
HE Qian, DIAO Bang, WANG Yong, YANG Zhi-Hui. Web File Protection Based on Local Snapshot and Rsync Algorithm[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(6): 190-193,199.