摘要: 提出一种多重查询调度算法——连续读取特性(CRP)调度算法,该算法应用连续读取特性,使查询的数据可以重组出某些连续关系,从而使之具有连续读取特性,解决了现有算法中有部分系统资源闲置的问题,提高查询速度。仿真实验结果表明,CRP调度算法的系统利用率和系统性能均优于其他算法。
Abstract: This paper proposes a new algorithm——Consecutive Retrieval Property(CRP) schedule for being dead against these algorithm shortcoming based on analyzing some algorithm in existence, the new algorithm brings up to use CRP to make some data have CRP and put data into memory by CRP. It solves the question that some algorithm in existence may make some system resource leave unused, and thus can advance query speed. Simulation experimental result shows that the system utilization and system throughput of CRP scheduling are all more than other algorithm.
Key words:
Consecutive Retrieval Property(CRP),
CRP schedule algorithm,
system utilization rate
左利云. 基于多处理器数据库系统的查询调度算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2009, 35(23): 53-55.
ZUO Li-yun. Query Schedule Algorithm Based on Multiprocessor Database System[J]. Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(23): 53-55.