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• 移动互联与通信技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (北京信息科技大学 信息与通信工程学院,北京 100101)
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-01 出版日期:2018-02-15 发布日期:2018-02-15
  • 作者简介:宋莎莎(1990—),女,硕士研究生,主研方向为绿色网络;周金和,教授。
  • 基金资助:

Energy Efficiency Optimization Routing Algorithm Based on Complex Gradient Network

SONG Shasha,ZHOU Jinhe   

  1. (School of Informations Communication Engineering,Beijing Information Science and Technology niversity,Beijing 100101,China)
  • Received:2016-12-01 Online:2018-02-15 Published:2018-02-15

摘要: 为缓解快速增长的网络数据带来较大的能耗,响应节能减排的发展需求,提高能源的使用效率,提出一种能效优化的路由算法。利用以无标度网络为底网构建的复杂梯度网络进行建模,定义节点“势”,该节点“势”由邻居节点介数决定,并以节点“势”的大小为梯度构造梯度驱动传输策略,进行数据包的转发与传输。仿真结果表明,与最短路径路由算法相比,在有较大的网络数据请求时,该算法可以绕过节点介数较大的节点,避免发生拥塞,从而有效降低网络能耗,缩短数据包转发时间,达到网络能效优化的目的。

关键词: 复杂梯度网络, 梯度驱动, 介数, 路由算法, 能效优化

Abstract: In order to alleviate the rapid growth of network data brought about energy consumption,in response to the request of energy saving and emission reduction,improving energy efficiency,presents an energy-efficient routing algorithm.The algorithm uses a complex gradient network constructed with a scale-free network as a substrate network,a node “potential” defined by the betweenness of neighbor nodes,and the gradient-driven transmission strategy for packet forwarding and transmission is constructed with the gradient of the node potential.Simulation results show that this paper compares the shortest path routing algorithm,in the larger network data generation,the algorithm in this paper can bypass nodes with large betweenness to avoid congestion,thus effectively reducing network energy consumption,reducing packet forwarding time,achieving the purpose of network energy efficiency optimization.

Key words: complex gradient network, gradient drive, betweenness, routing algorithm, energy efficiency optimization
