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  1. (1. 青海师范大学民族师范学院,西宁 810008;2. 陕西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,西安 710062)
  • 收稿日期:2012-08-22 出版日期:2013-09-15 发布日期:2013-09-13
  • 作者简介:王天成(1971-),男,副教授、硕士,主研方向:信息安全,密码学;张建中,教授、博士
  • 基金资助:

Proxy Blind Multi-signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve

WANG Tian-cheng 1, ZHANG Jian-zhong 2   

  1. (1. Teachers College of Nationalities, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China; 2. College of Mathematics and Information Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China)
  • Received:2012-08-22 Online:2013-09-15 Published:2013-09-13

摘要: 针对代理盲签名中的密钥泄漏问题,将代理签名、盲签名及前向安全的思想相结合,提出一种基于椭圆曲线的前向安全代理多重盲签名方案。由一个代理签名人同时代表多个原始签名人生成一个有效的签名,综合运用授权证书、哈希函数和椭圆曲线密码体制增强系统安全性,即使代理签名私钥泄漏,以前所产生的代理盲签名依然有效。分析结果表明,该方案具有安全性,能有效抵抗原始签名者的内部攻击,与基于ElGamal签名体制的方案相比,计算效率更高。

关键词: 代理多重签名, 盲签名, 代理多重盲签名, 安全性, 椭圆曲线密码体制, 伪造攻击

Abstract: Aiming at key leak issue in proxy blind signature, this paper combines the concept of proxy signature, blind signature and the forward security, proposes a proxy blind multi-signature scheme based on elliptic curve. In this scheme, proxy signer can represent the interests of a number of original signers to generate a valid signature. It uses authorization certificate, the Hash function and elliptic curve cryptography to enhance system security, even proxy signature private key leaks, previously generated proxy blind signature is still valid. Analysis result show that this scheme can effectively resist the original signer’s internal attack, and it has security. Compares with the scheme based on ElGamal signature scheme, it has higher computational efficiency.

Key words: proxy multi-signature, blind signature, proxy blind multi-signature, security, elliptic curve cryptosystem, forgery attack
