汽车转向几何模型是无人驾驶开发过程中的重要环节,但其在面对复杂道路时单纯的预瞄跟踪不能满足无人驾驶需求。为此,在Stanley转向几何预瞄模型的基础上,提出一种自适应的最优预瞄时间改进算法。根据车辆当前航向角、纵向车速、前轮转角和一次规划路径的曲 率等特性,结合不同的预瞄时间预测一定时间内车辆运行情况,并根据设计出的优化函数选择合适的预瞄时间,以调整车辆前轮转角,减小车辆行驶过程中的横向偏差,使车辆平稳通过测试路段。仿真结果表明,基于Stanley算法的自适应最优预瞄模型能够在复杂开放道路上实 现无人驾驶。
The car steering geometry model is an important part of the unmanned driving development process.However,in the face of complex roads,simple preview tracking can no longer meet the unmanned driving demand.Therefore,based on Stanley’s steering geometry preview model,an adaptive optimal preview time improvement algorithm is proposed.According to the vehicle’s current heading angle,longitudinal vehicle speed,front wheel rotation angle and the curvature of the primary planning path,etc.,it combines different previewing time to predict the running status of the vehicle within a certain period of time,and selects an appropriate preview time according to the designed optimization function.It adjusts the front-wheel rotation angle of the vehicle to reduce the horizontal deviation during the vehicle’s driving,so that the vehicle can smoothly pass through the test road section.Simulation test results show that the adaptive optimal preview model based on Stanley algorithm can realize unmanned driving on complex open roads.
Key words:
unmanned driving,
driver model,
steering geometry model,
optimal preview,
adaptive preview time
靳欣宇,张军,刘元盛,王庆闪. 基于Stanley算法的自适应最优预瞄模型研究[J]. 计算机工程, 2018, 44(7): 42-46.
JIN Xinyu,ZHANG Jun,LIU Yuansheng,WANG Qingshan. Research on Adaptive Optimal Preview Model Based on Stanley Algorithm[J]. Computer Engineering, 2018, 44(7): 42-46.