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计算机工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 276-286. doi: 10.19678/j.issn.1000-3428.0067894

• 图形图像处理 • 上一篇    下一篇


时志鹏, 冯肖维, 赵一平   

  1. 上海海事大学物流工程学院, 上海 201306
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-20 修回日期:2023-09-07 发布日期:2024-06-11
  • 通讯作者: 时志鹏,E-mail:763804835@qq.com E-mail:763804835@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Improved Multi-Hypothesis Test Point Cloud Noise Reduction for Neighborhood Drift

SHI Zhipeng, FENG Xiaowei, ZHAO Yiping   

  1. Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China
  • Received:2023-06-20 Revised:2023-09-07 Published:2024-06-11

摘要: 在获得三维点云数据时,由于仪器、环境、算法等原因,不可避免地会使获得的点云数据带有噪声,而点云数据所携带的噪声将影响后续的点云处理效果。为了抑制三维点云数据中的噪声,同时保留其不同程度的特征,提出一种改进邻域漂移的多假设点云降噪方法。首先,利用邻域点和法向双张量投票法进行特征描述;接着,利用非参数估计构建转移概率函数,并使用核回归方法对新的采样点进行权重计算,在此基础上运用粒子滤波实现邻域漂移,经过多次迭代得到非局部邻域;然后,通过多假设检验法确定不同特征点处的多个法向,并通过加权平均获得最终法向;最后,采用多假设检验的方法分别对特征点和非特征点进行滤波,产生多个候选点并使用目标函数进行优化,从而对点云模型进行降噪。利用所提方法与RIMLS、EAR、L1、PointNet方法对相同噪声模型进行恢复,并对恢复模型与原模型进行误差分析,结果表明,所提方法的平均降噪精度相比RIMLS、EAR和L1方法分别提高了38.1%、41.3%和12.4%,与PointNet相比约降低2.9%,但是所提方法无须进行数据库训练且可调参。

关键词: 点云降噪, 张量投票, 邻域漂移, 非参数估计, 核回归, 多假设检验

Abstract: In 3D point-cloud data acquisition, the instrument, environment, algorithm, and other factors inevitably introduce noise into the data. The noise carried by point-cloud data affects the subsequent processing of the point cloud. To suppress the noise of 3D point-cloud data while preserving the different characteristics, a multi-hypothesis point cloud noise reduction method with an improved neighborhood drift is proposed. First, the neighborhood points and normal double-tensor voting method are used to describe the features. Subsequently, the transfer probability function is constructed using nonparametric estimation, and the weights of the new sampling points are calculated using the kernel regression method, whereby neighborhood drift is realized using a particle filter, and the nonlocal neighborhood is obtained after several iterations. The multiple normal directions of points with different features are then determined by the multi-hypothesis testing method, and the final normal directions are obtained by weighted average. Finally, feature and non-feature points are filtered using the multi-hypothesis testing method, and the point cloud model is denoised by generating multiple candidate points and using the objective function for optimization. To restore the noise model, the method described in this paper was used alongside Robust Implicit Moving Least Squares (RIMLS), Edge-Aware Resampling (EAR), L1, and PointNet methods. The error between the restored and original data was analyzed. The experimental results show that the average noise reduction accuracy obtained using the proposed method was 38.1%, 41.3%, and 12.4% higher than the accuracies obtained using RIMLS, EAR, and L1, respectively. Compared with PointNet, the average noise reduction accuracy was lower by approximately 2.9% using the proposed method; however, database training and parameter adjustment are not required.

Key words: point cloud noise reduction, tensor voting, neighborhood drift, nonparametric estimation, kernel regression, multi-hypothesis test
