摘要: 针对高误码信道环境下的数字分接中的码速恢复问题,提出一种高容错码速恢复算法¬——高容错预测算法。该算法利用二次群码速调整的先验统计知识以及码速调整指示码的后验反馈信息,对当前帧的码速调整的预测放在一条连续预测比特序列中考虑,预测局部最优的序列,实现码速恢复的高容错性。仿真结果表明,HERP算法在预测准确性上比国际电信联盟推荐的多数判决法提高近10倍。
Abstract: To solve the problem of justification recovery in digital demultiplexing stage in the environment of high error channel, a high error-resilient of justification recovery algorithm, High Error-Resilient Prediction(HERP) algorithm is proposed in this paper. HERP algorithm makes use of the justification statistics knowledge of 2-ary digital group and the feedback information from justification indicating code. This algorithm considers the justification prediction of the current frame in a continuous prediction sequence, which can lead to a global optimal prediction sequence and implement high error-resilient in justification. The simulation experiment shows HERP algorithm has improved nearly by ten times in the aspect of error-resilient and accuracy compared with most decision algorithm which is recommended by ITU.
Key words:
digital demultiplexing,
most decision algorithm,
High Error-Resilient Prediction(HERP) algorithm
刘 波;陆佩忠;邹 艳. 基于极大后验概率的高容错码速调整恢复算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2008, 34(21): 106-108,.
LIU Bo; LU Pei-zhong; ZOU Yan. High Error-Resilient Justification Recovery Algorithm Based on Maximum Posteriori Probability[J]. Computer Engineering, 2008, 34(21): 106-108,.