摘要: 针对集成电路测试数据量大、测试应用时间长和测试结构复杂等问题,提出一种多扫描链的混合测试数据压缩方法。对于含无关位较多的测试向量,使用伪随机向量产生器生成。对于含无关位较少的向量,则直接使用自动测试设备存储。将该方法与另一种基于扫描阻塞的测试方法进行比较,理论分析和实验结果表明,该方法对数据的压缩效果优于单纯用伪随机方式的扫描阻塞测试方法。
Abstract: The test of Integrated Circuits(IC) always encounter a lot of problems, like processing the huge test data volume, spending a long time to test and construct the complex test structure. This paper proposes a hybrid test method to compress test data volume based on multiple scan chains. Using pseudo-random pattern generator generates test vector which includes more does not care bits. The rest of vectors are stored by Automatic Test Equipment(ATE) directly. Both theory and experiment show that the proposed method can achieve better compression performance compared with the scan disabling-based BIST-aided Scan Test(BAST) scheme.
Key words:
test data compression,
scan disabling,
hybrid test method,
test slice,
Poisson distribution
蔡烁, 邝继顺, 刘铁桥. 一种多扫描链混合测试数据压缩方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(18): 245-247.
CA Luo, KUANG Ji-Shun, LIU Tie-Qiao. A Hybrid Test Data Compression Method of Multiple Scan Chains[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(18): 245-247.