摘要: 针对目前基于密集投影数据收集方法的能量浪费问题,根据压缩感知理论提出一种基于最优投影的数据收集方法。该方法在获取各个节点的投影值时考虑了节点的传输开销来设计最优投影矩阵,避免不必要的投影操作,并证明其满足RIP性质,设计一棵具有最小传输代价增加值的数据收集树来实现投影值的收集。仿真实验结果表明,该方法在数据重构精度以及能量开销等方面优于传统的MWSF等方法。
Abstract: Aiming at the disadvantage of waste of energy in the existing data gathering methods based on the dense projection, using the compressive sensing theory, this paper proposes an improved data gathering method based on the optimal projection. It takes the transmission overhead into consideration and designs the optimal projection matrix for avoiding the unnecessary projecting operation, and proves that the matrix meets the RIP nature, an optimized data gathering tree with having the minimum added value of transmission cost is designed for gathering the measurements of each node. Simulation experimental results show that the performance of the method is superior to the traditional methods in terms of the reconstruction accuracy of data and energy efficiency.
Key words:
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN),
compressive sensing,
data gathering,
optimal projection,
lifetime of network
郑莹, 王建新. WSN中一种基于最优投影的数据收集方案[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(3): 67-71,76.
ZHENG Ying, WANG Jian-Xin. Data Gathering Scheme Based on Optimal Projection in Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(3): 67-71,76.