摘要: IEEE 802.11e增强型分布式信道访问机制对高优先级业务服务质量的保证,是通过牺牲低优先级业务服务质量来实现的。为避免这种信道资源分配不公平的现象,提出一种优化算法。将信道中部分时隙合并起来构成合并时隙,高优先级和低优先级业务在合并时隙中被先后发送,而单个时隙通常只发送低优先级业务。仿真结果表明,该算法可以提高业务的吞吐量,当站点数目增多时,高优先级业务和低优先级业务的吞吐量均表现稳定,可达到各种业务公平利用信道资源的目的。
IEEE 802.1le协议,
Abstract: IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access(EDCA) guarantees the Quality of Service(QoS) of high priority traffic, at the same time low priority traffic is sacrificed. For the phenomenon of unfair distribution resources in the channel, an optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper. This algorithm combines part of time slot into Merge Time Slot(MTS). High and low priority traffics are sended in chronological order, while single usually sends low priority traffic. Simulation results show that this algorithm can improve the throughput of traffic, in the growing number of stations, the throughput performance of high and low priority traffics is stable, all kinds of traffic reach the purpose of fairly using channel resources.
Key words:
Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN),
IEEE 802.11e protocol,
Enhanced Distributed Channel Access(EDCA),
Quality of Service(QoS),
Merge Time Slot(MTS),
single time slot
王鹭, 蒋阳, 郎保才, 韩飞飞. 一种802.11e EDCA机制的优化算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(6): 111-114.
WANG Lu, JIANG Yang, LANG Bao-Cai, HAN Fei-Fei. An Optimization Algorithm for 802.11e EDCA Mechanism[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(6): 111-114.