摘要: 在使用地标进行遥感图像导航与配准时,以海陆边界为特征进行匹配操作是一种常用的方法,尤其适合昼夜图像灰度值变化剧烈的红外通道遥感图像。将海陆边界模板图像作为匹配标准,其精确性对于导航与配准的精度具有决定性的作用。针对静止卫星图像配准过程的特点,对海陆边界模板的生成方法进行研究,提出一种静止卫星图像配准中海陆边界模板的生成方法,将生成过程分为目标网格生成、全球海岸线数据库选取及查找算法3个部分,通过不断挖掘数据特点给出3种查找算法,并对各算法的精度和效率进行分析。实验结果表明,该方法生成的海陆边界模板与主流工具的生成结果有90%以上的匹配度,且算法效率较高,具有良好的应用价值。
Abstract: It is a common method to use land-sea boundary as a feature in satellite image navigation and registration. It is especially useful during the registration of IR satellite image which has huge change in image grey value between day and night. As the reference image in the image registration, the accuracy of land-sea boundary template decides the final accuracy of image navigation and registration. According to the characteristics of the geostationary satellite image navigation process, this paper proposes a method to generate the land-sea boundary template. The method contains the generation of aim grid, choosing the world coastline database and the search algorithm. It proposes three search algorithms by studying the characteristics of the data, and analyzes the accuracy and efficiency of each algorithm. Experimental results show that the matching degree between the land-sea boundary template and the template from international mainstream tools is more than 90%. The algorithm has high efficiency and good performance during practical applications.
Key words:
remote sensing image registration,
land-sea boundary template,
reference image,
geostationary satellite,
remote sensing image processing,
aim grid