摘要: 已有的秘密共享方案中参与方权重固定不变,不能满足实际应用的问题。为此,基于信任评估模型,提出一种参与方权重可以动态变化的秘密共享方案。根据参与方的不同行为对其子秘密数量进行调整,并改变其秘密分享职能。在删除不诚实成员后可以加入新的成员,在不改变参与方共享秘密的条件下,可以先验式地更新参与方所拥有的秘密份额。分析结果表明,该方案是一个安全的、参与方权重以及子秘密可动态改变的秘密共享方案。
Abstract: The participants’ weight in the previous secret sharing scheme is fixed, which can not meet the practical application. Therefore, a new secret sharing scheme that the participants’ weight can dynamically change is proposed based on the trust evaluation model. Making adjustments to the secret shadow number and changing the secret sharing function in accordance with different behaviors of participants. After removing the dishonest member, the new members can be admitted. Under conditions of not changing participants’ shared secret, participants’ secret shares are prior to be updated. Analysis result shows that the scheme is a secure secret sharing scheme in which the participants’ weight and secret shadow can dynamically change.
Key words:
secret sharing,
trust evaluation,
dynamic participant changing,
dynamic weight adjusting,
sub-secret updating
韦晓东, 仲红, 石润华. 基于信任评估带权重的动态秘密共享方案[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(22): 122-125.
HUI Xiao-Dong, ZHONG Gong, DAN Run-Hua. Weighted Dynamic Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Trust Evaluation[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(22): 122-125.