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• 移动互联与通信技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室,上海 201203)
  • 收稿日期:2015-03-05 出版日期:2016-04-15 发布日期:2016-04-15
  • 作者简介:冯杰(1988-),男,硕士研究生,主研方向为多核片上网络路由算法;荆明娥,副研究员;虞志益,副教授。
  • 基金资助:

Routing Algorithm Based on Double-layer Network on Chip

FENG Jie,JING Ming’e,YU Zhiyi   

  1. (State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System,Fudan University,Shanghai 201203,China)
  • Received:2015-03-05 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2016-04-15



关键词: 多核处理器, 双层片上网络, 链路交换网络, 包交换网络, 路由算法


This paper presents a fast routing algorithm for the new double-layer Network on Chip(NoC) to make full use of the NoC resources.According to the frequency and total volume of the inter-core communications,the proposed algorithm firstly divides them into four types.Considering that circuit network is much more suitable for communications of large volume,the proposed algorithm assigns these communications to circuit network layer,and then uses the fast routing method to configure the paths for remaining communications in packet network layer.Experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm uses 74% less running time and results in 21% more resource usage of circuit network than simulated annealing algorithm.In addition,this algorithm can improve application performance by more than 16%.

Key words: multi-core processor, double-layer Network on Chip(NoC), link exchange network, packet exchange network, routing algorithm
