摘要: 目前对软件测试用例的需求在以指数级增长,导致测试资源相对不足、测试成本高、测试用例执行效率低等问题更加突出。为解决上述问题,设计一个基于云计算的并行测试方案,采用有限状态机定义测试对象及测试过程中的状态迁移,借鉴随机路线的思想,提出一个并行测试用例生成算法,在此基础上给出基于MapReduce模型和云计算平台的并行测试脚本。实验结果表明,与顺序执行测试序列相比,该方案的加速比可达20,测试效率有明显提高。
Abstract: With the demands for software test cases in exponential growth, the problems such as relative shortage of test resources, high cost of testing and low efficiency execute of test cases are increasingly outstanding. To solve the above problems, a parallel test schema based on cloud computing is proposed, which uses Finite State Machine(FSM) to define test object and state transition in testing process. Parallel test case generation algorithm based on random routes idea is proposed, and a parallel test script based on the MapReduce and cloud computing platform is designed. Experimental results show that compared with test sequence of executing sequential, the acceleration of schema is up to 20, so the test efficiency is significantly improved.
Key words:
cloud computing,
cloud testing,
parallel testing,
Finite State Machine(FSM),
MapReduce model
黄晓玲, 陈桂林, 赵生慧. 基于云计算的并行测试方案设计与实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(24): 27-31.
HUANG Xiao-Ling, CHEN Gui-Lin, DIAO Sheng-Hui. Design and Implementation of Parallel Testing Schema Based on Cloud Computing[J]. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(24): 27-31.