摘要: 在车载自组织网络(VANET)中,节点高速移动性与动态拓扑快速变化会引起控制开销大、链路不稳定等问题。利用节点的位置、运动速度等信息,提出一种基于双转发机制的VANET路由算法。在路由寻路阶段,运用方向转发、动态概率转发限制路由请求(RREQ)包的洪泛广播。在路由回溯阶段,运用链路预测机制,选择路径失效时间最大的路径作为传输路径。在路由维护阶段,设置定时器,在路径断裂前触发新的路由寻路,寻找新路径替换即将断裂的旧路径。实验结果表明,与链路时间预测-按需路由算法以及无线自组织网络按需距离向量路由算法相比,该算法在转发的RREQ包数量、平均端到端延迟、传输吞吐率及报文投递率方面的性能较好。
Abstract: Because of the large overhead and unstable link caused by the high-speed vehicle mobility and fast change in dynamic topology, taking the vehicle mobility information such as position and velocity into account, this paper proposes a routing algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network(VANET) based on double forwarding mechanism. For the route discovery process, it argues the use of directional and dynamically probabilistic forwarding to steer a route discovery in the general direction of a destination, which can restrict the propagation range of Routing Request(RREQ). In the routing maintenance phase, by setting a timer to trigger a new route discovery process, it finds a new path instead of the old path before breaking. Experimental results show that compared with Link Expiration-based Detection AODV(LED-AODV) routing algorithm and Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector(AODV) routing algorithm, it has better performance in the number of RREQ packet, average end-to-end delay, throughput and packet delivery.
Key words:
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network(VANET),
direction forwarding,
dynamic probability forwarding,
link prediction,
routing algorithm
夏荣大, 刘春凤, 赵增华, 舒炎泰. 基于双转发机制的车载自组织网络路由算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(6): 124-128.
JIA Rong-Da, LIU Chun-Feng, DIAO Ceng-Hua, SHU Tan-Tai. Routing Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Based on Double Forwarding Mechanism[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(6): 124-128.