摘要: 针对分组密码算法SM4中加解密算法与密钥扩展算法的相似性,提出一种将加解密模块与密钥扩展模块复用的基本架构,通过对具体实现结构的分析与选择,使控制逻辑复杂度、复用模块复杂度以及系统吞吐量之间得到权衡。基于该架构设计SM4加解密IP核,在现场可编程门阵列上占用的资源仅为传统设计的55%,基于SMIC 0.18 μm数字CMOS工艺的综合结果显示,仅用0.079 mm2即可实现100 Mb/s的数据吞吐量。实验结果表明,该结构可以有效地降低SM4算法的实现复杂度。
Abstract: A basic architecture is proposed for reducing the implementation complexity of SM4 block cipher. The architecture reuses the hardware of encryption/decryption and key expansion module because the encryption/decryption algorithm is very similar with the key expansion algorithm. Optimum trade-off among control-logic complexity, reused-module complexity and throughput is realized through careful analysis and choose of specific realization. A SM4 cipher IP is designed based on this architecture. The designed IP’s cost is only 55% of the traditional design in Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA). The IP is also synthesized under the SMIC 0.18 μm CMOS process. Its area is 0.079 mm2 with 100 Mb/s throughput. Experimental results of synthesis show that the proposed architecture can reduce the implementation complexity of SM4 block cipher efficiently.
Key words:
SM4 algorithm,
block cipher algorithm,
low complexity,
hardware reuse,
Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA),
Application Specific Integrated Circuit(ASIC) implementation
王晨光, 乔树山, 黑勇. 分组密码算法SM4的低复杂度实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2013, 39(7): 177-180.
WANG Chen-Guang, JIAO Shu-Shan, HEI Yong. Low Complexity Implementation of Block Cipher SM4 Algorithm[J]. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(7): 177-180.