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Computer Engineering ›› 2012, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 4-7. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3428.2012.09.002

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Note Segmentation Algorithm Combining Pitch and Energy in Query by Humming

WANG En-cheng   1, SU Teng-fang   1, YUAN Kai-guo   2, WU Chun-hua   2, WANG Yu-qing   2   

  1. (1. School of Information Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China; 2. School of Computer, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China)
  • Received:2011-12-16 Online:2012-05-05 Published:2012-05-05



  1. (1. 北方工业大学信息工程学院,北京 100144;2. 北京邮电大学计算机学院,北京 100876)
  • 作者简介:王恩成(1976-),男,讲师、博士,主研方向:信号处理,信息处理;苏腾芳,硕士研究生;袁开国、伍淳华,讲师、博士;王玉庆,硕士研究生
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(60821001);中央高校基本 科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2011RC0210);北京市教委面上基金资助项目(KM201010009005)

Abstract: In order to improve the retrieval performance of using melody contour and rhythm in Query By Humming(QBH), this paper proposes a new algorithm using pitch and energy for note segmentation. Autocorrelation pitch extraction algorithm is improved. Post processing is used to smooth the pitch frequency curves, and at the same time, energy segmentation information is maintained in the process of note segmentation. Semitone curve is used for segmentation. This algorithm improves the accuracy of the note segmentation. Experimental results indicate that the accuracy rate of the algorithm is 88.75% in quiet laboratory environment which is of great significance in QBH.

Key words: pitch extraction, auto correlation function, melody contour, rhythm, Query By Humming(QBH), note segmentation

摘要: 为改善哼唱检索系统中利用旋律轮廓和节奏进行匹配的性能,提出一种新的联合音高与能量的音符切分算法。该算法改进基于自相关的基音提取算法,对提取的基音频率曲线进行后处理,并在切分过程中保持能量的分割信息,利用半音曲线的突变做切分,以提高音符切分的准确度。实验结果表明,在安静实验室环境下,该算法能获得88.75%的分割准确度。

关键词: 基音提取, 自相关函数, 旋律轮廓, 节奏, 哼唱检索, 音符分割

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