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05 July 2006, Volume 32 Issue 13

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    Degree Paper
  • SHI Minghong;LUO Yongjun; BAI Yingcai
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 1-3.
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    It is one of the goals of designing peer-to-peer network to minimizing the resource consumption. The article constructs the abstract load model for cluster-based peer-to-peer network. The dynamism of system is investigated based on the collected data in the experiment. The optimal numbers of clusters are respectively obtained under the circumstances in which nodes have the same capability and in which nodes are heterogeneous and nodes keep arriving and leaving. The optimization can give a judgment for design and construction of peer-to-peer system.
  • CHEN Jianxin;YANG Yuhang;GONG Ling;ZENG Peng
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 4-5,17.
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    In online bin packing problem, for the online property of next fit(NF) algorithm, it is used widely. However, NF works according to the item arrival sequence, the resource utility ratio is low. This paper based on the computer communication network, adds repacking scheme to NF algorithm, and presents two new algorithms: the last item repacking and each item repacking. Because of being repacked, some items would be packed into the subsequent bin, hence they are called semi-online algorithms. By means of average-case analysis, the paper finds they perform much better than NF, and almost same to the smart next fit algorithm.
  • WU Jinyong;;YU Zhiguo;MA Guoqiang;XU Jianjian
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 6-8.
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    An image watermarking method in wavelet domain based on information complementation is presented. According to the characteristics of human visual system, this method embeds watermark into the image's wavelet coefficients of horizontal and vertical sub-bands in a reciprocal order. During the extraction of watermark, a threshold is used to select the information of the tow sub-bands. The experimental results show that the method has a good robustness to resist normal signal processing.
  • CHEN Youguang;GU Guoqing;ZHANG Wei;XU Yanbing
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 9-11.
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    The form recognition algorithms in existence are inefficient, and only can abide tiny broken lines. This paper presents an algorithm based on vertex chain code for form cell rectangle recognition, the algorithm uses region-labeling robot to label the inner border of a form cell to get its vertex chain code, using the characters of the vertex chain code, the algorithm can remove the sawteeth on the form frame line efficiently and restore the form frame lines and get the region of the form cell by searching the vertex chain code of the four angles of the cell. Experiments prove that the algorithm has the advantages of high speed, high robustness and being able to resist broken form frame lines.

  • HUANG Yiqun;LU Zhengding;HU Heping; LI Ruixuan
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 12-14.
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    There has been growing interests in private concerns for future data mining research. Privacy preserving data mining concentrates on developing accurate models without sharing precise individual data records. This paper addresses basic ideas and solutions for secure data mining over distributed data. An algorithm based on dot product for distributed mining association rules is presented. It also gives a protocol of secure dot product computation which is effective to discover frequent itemsets on vertically partitioned data. It can provide good data privacy.

  • ZHOU Wenli; LEI Zhenming
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 15-17.
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    The traffic volume of BitTorrent is becoming larger and larger with the wide application of BT software in the networks. It is necessary to model and analyze BT traffic, and to evaluate the files of BT system. A downloader model, a seed model, and a file evaluation method of BT system are proposed in this paper. Some BT sharing data are analyzed using the models and the file evaluation method.

  • ZHANG Guiling;SUN Jizhou
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 18-19,4.
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    A new intrusion detection scheme based on the combination of the order and frequency characters of system calls (COFIDS) is proposed. This paper applies a text category algorithm (k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier, kNN) to the proposed intrusion detection scheme. In order to improve the intrusion detection rate, a similarity enhancement factor (SEF) is also presented. The preliminary experimental results demonstrate that the proposed COFIDS can provide obvious improvement in intrusion detection ability. The experiments with COFIDS also show that the proposed scheme has higher ability against to noise in the training data and to intrusion detection false positive rate.

  • XU Zhen; FENG Dengguo
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 20-22.
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    Large organizations tend to organize their information resources according to their structures. Such a structure often has many similar sub-structures. Using tradition RBAC to model the access control requirement under such environments will lead to define permissions and roles in each one of these sub-structures. So there has much extra work to manage such an access control system. This paper presents an extended RBAC model. In order to solve the above problem, this model adopts organization structures, defines abstract roles and associates such abstract roles and organization structure units.
  • HAO Qigang;LI Qunzhan
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 23-25.
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    The chaos related theories are used to analyze the real network traffic about its chaos prediction attributes and the prediction-based IP QoS model and scheme are firstly given. The OPNET-based simulating result shows that the QoS performaces in heavy-load environment are all improved remarkably, comparing with the traditional static QoS configuring and measure-based dynamic QoS setting methods.
  • TANG Yan;WANG Zhijian;WU Yin
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 26-28,3.
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    On the basis of a general introduction of queueing systems, the mathematic characteristics of common queueing systems are analyzed, a new event driven algorithm is created and used to simulate M/M/c, M/M/c/N, G/G/c/∞/K, G/G/c/N/K queueing systems based on Java. Finally, the results of simulations are evaluated and lead to the conclusion that the simulation of queueing system based on Java using the new algorithm is fast, accurate and universal.
  • HU Yong;;FANG Yong;;XIAO Long;LZ Huanzhou;;CAI Heng
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 29-31.
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    This paper proposes the formal language description of the risk in modern information system, based on the resource distribution rule of a representative information system. It also gives a method to the risk quantitative analysis of an information system, and will be an important reference for the risk quantitative assessment of an information system.
  • Software Technology and Database
  • ZHU Jun;GONG Jianhua;ZHANG Jianqin;WU Xian
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 32-34,3.
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    This paper focuses on terrain visualization service and proposes its service architecture. Meantime we also study on the implemention mechanism, data management and service management in system. Several key problems, such as program design and LOD (level of detail) algorithm, are discussed to improve real-time rendering efficiency under Java environment. Finally, the paper designs and implements a prototype system, which show that the algorithm is practical and efficient.
  • CHEN Jianying;; LIU Xinsong;TAN Wenrong;LIU Tao;TAN Ying;WANG Li
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 35-37.
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    Aiming at the dynamic characteristic of the data directory in distributed and parallel database system (DPDBS), the dynamic arithmetic for whole data directory is put forward. The arithmetic is implemented by embedding the consistency check of whole data directory in the course of database executing, improving the two phase commit protocol, and making use of technology such as recovery, parallel handling, and other technology. The application proves its efficiency.
  • ZHANG Xiuguo ; ;ZHANG Weishi ;SHI Jinyu
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 38-40.
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    This paper proposes a kahn process network (KPN) based on dynamic service composition model, which aims at reducing unpredictable circumstances and uncooperative cases of services in dynamic composition and improving chances of composition success. KPN and corresponding KPN scheduling strategy are used to model dynamic interactions among services. Dataflow modeling and scheduling strategy are introduced and an application of this dynamic service composition model in composition of a ship information query system is presented.
  • FENG Suyun;; HOU Huifang;
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 41-43.
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    Software metrics is an important method for software qualities, but this paper mainly introduces the analysis of the results for object-oriented software metrics, which is based on classes analysis, inheritance analysis, coupling between object classes analysis, cohesion in methods analysis, complexity analysis and so on, and it analyzes the possiblity of metrics-quota with math knowledge in order to ensure the whole quality of object-oriented software.
  • SHI Zhikuan;;XIE Junyuan;FANG Jin
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 44-46.
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    Based on analysis the model of workflow cooperation, researched communications and cooperated workflow control, this thesis brings forward a workflow cooperation model based on agent service. The model advances some imageries about control mechanism and cooperation environment which is import in workflow cooperation.
  • ZHOU Qian;FENG Xiaobing;ZHANG Zhaoqing
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 47-48.
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    How to reduce and hide the latency of cache misses is the focus. To get the information of cache references, we often need to run simulators, which is very slow. To overcome this, this paper introduces cache profiling in compile without need of simulator. Similar to value profiling and stride profiling, cache profiling instruments instruct referencing memories, which can improve the speed significantly and only need the support of compiler. The information getting from cache profiling can be used to improve instruction scheduling, software prefetching, generating cache hints and helper threads.
  • MA Weiqin;LI Juanzi;JIN Zhenye; DING Kun
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 49-51.
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    In reports system, a mathematical model for reports based on graph theory is designed. Algorithms used by reports are described not only to discover the circular dependency and dependency path but also to automatically recompute the set of cells dependent on a changed cell to solve the problem of circular dependency and automaitically recomopute the changed cells.
  • ZHENG Zhenkun;ZHANG Kuo;WANG Xiaoge
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 52-54,6.
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    This paper gives introduction to connectable object technology of COM and the recognition of composite events. Then EFL event model, which improves the infrastructure of connectable object technology with advanced features and extensions is described. The model is designed to support the recognition of composite events, and XML-based description of complicated relation of events is adopted in the subscription of composite event. Reflective middleware PURPLE, based on EFL, is reflective middleware architecture. The application of EFL event model in PURPLE during the process of environment detection and self-adaptation is also presented.
  • GUO Jiashu;LIU Zhan;LI Wang
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 55-57.
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    In the process of software system design, the large system is divided to many subsystems, the subsystems implement its functions, at last subsystems are integrated. This paper provides a kind of method for system integration using windows pipe based on the analysis of Windows pipe system. The method can largely reduce the complexity of the system and improve the robust and maintainability of the system.

  • WU Nian;;ZHANG Yu;
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 58-60.
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    XSIEQ(XML stream query with immediate evaluation), a kind of XML stream query system, can evaluate predicates immediately and output in time. The design and implementation of XSIEQ are presented. XSIEQ uses a modified pushdown automata technique, and its idea is to convert all XPath expressions into a single NFA, then to attach type label and corresponding index info on NFA state. Accordingly, XSIEQ can quickly decide the opportunity of predicate evaluation and data cache in runtime, and implement immediate processing. In the end, the query performance comparison between XSIEQ and YFilter is given and analyzed.
  • ZHOU Wei;;YAN Baoping;
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 61-62.
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    This paper states some new characters of the database systems under the grid environment and analyzes two different database integration modes. It also describes a unified database system’s access framework in the data grid project of the chinese academy of Science and gives the details about how it works.
  • WANG Yunhua;;CHEN Weiwei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 63-65.
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    In order to research the most advanced method of model-driven development and apply it to projects to improve quality and efficiency of projects, this paper uses the UML2.0 tool Tau developer of telelogic corporation, which has two powerful functions——model verification and code generation automatically, models and designs a temperature controlling system of some space testing devices, and realizes model verification and code generation automatically.

  • WANG Zhigang;WANG Minbei;LUO Leifei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 66-68.
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    CBSD is being used in embedded software component areas. Now the models focus on the establishment of component multiple frameworks. NFAs(Non Functional Attribute)are vital for the success of software systems. As to remedy the problems inherent in software development, a model has been developed to deal with NFAs. Analysing every sub-attribute that the NFA of a product depends on, the model’s objective is to calculate the NFA-specific requirements. It considers the different extent that the sub-attributes to the NFA value by giving a weight value to each sub-attribute. The model will help to consider design tradeoffs, relate design decisions to NFRs, justify the decisions, and assist defect detection.
  • ZENG Hongwei;TENG Zhongmei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 69-70,1.
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    Design pattern and formalizing are two very important aspects of software engineering. This paper discusses formalizing design pattern. It focuses on “Structure” section of each pattern. Based on classes and functions, first, the paper analyses basis relations among classes and relations, and properties of relation. It brings forward a notation of hierarchy construct. As an example, it transforms from structure section of pattern “decorator” into formal description in Z.

  • DONG Yaozu;;ZHOU Zhengwei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 71-73.
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    This article introduces the current status of X86 architecture based paravirtualization technology and full-virtualization technology, especially for hardware assistant virtualization technology, proposes two systemic virtual machines, Denali and XEN, which support the paravirtualization technology. Then it discusses the development of full-virtualization technology. In the meantime, it presents the solution scheme that supports these two technologies, and focuses on the trends of development of virtualization technology and its usage model.

  • ZHANG Xiaolin;;TAN Yuesheng;DONG Huanzhi;WANG Guoren
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 74-76,7.
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    XML is fast emerging as the standard for data representation and exchange on the World Wide Web, storing and querying XML data becomes more and more important. How to query object-oriented XML data rapidly and exactly is a primary research issue. Indexing techniques are valid methods to the efficiency of XML query processing. This paper achieves a query processing techniques of object-oriented XML data based on the path repository index scheme.

  • WANG Zhaohong
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 77-79.
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    To estimate null value in the database is a main task of data-processing, first it gets the cloud models which present the raw nonempty value in the database, then recoves the value with the cloud to replace the null value. The method considers the original data’s distribution sufficiently and can simulate the humans’ behavior, so it can estimate the null value more precisely.
  • SHEN Yunfei;SHEN Guoqiang;JIANG Lihua;QIN Zhen
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 80-81,9.
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    The idea of time-validity is proposed based on the analysis of characteristics of Web pageviews association rules for personalized recommendation. A model of mining association rules for personalized recommendation. A new interest-measure called time-validity for rules is based on this model, which allows for increasable mining and supports more user-interaction in the optimized rule-mining process.
  • ZHAO Qingshui;SHEN Limin
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 82-84.
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    With a general purpose of promoting the research and development of flexible softwares, and based on the summarization of the flexibility study and the analysis of the features of flexible softwares, a new definition of software flexibility is presented. In light of the object-oriented technology and the features and definition, this paper also establishes the model of object-oriented software flexibility. The model consists of four profiles, which are the relative adaptability, ease operability, the response rate and the cost ratio of the software. To evaluate the flexibility more objectively and operable, each profile is further decomposed into a lot of factors and each factor has been defined with its metric methods raised.

  • WANG Ying; LI Lixin;HUANG Weijian
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 85-87.
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    A framework model for the network concurrent server based on object-oriented communication interface wrapper mechanism to solve the limitations of tradition model for the network concurrent server based on OS API is proposed. This object-oriented communication interface framework model makes use of all kinds of OS API wrapper facade to improve the network concurrent server of heritability, haleness and expansibility.
  • XIAO Zhengxing;; YANG Qinghong;XUE Jinyun;SHI Haihe
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 88-90.
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    The development of agent technology provides new thinking and solution for the research of programming ICAI, agent platform offers support for construction of agent and communication of agent. This paper designs and implements programming ICAI using JATLite agent platform, explains internal mechanism of JATLite platform and process of agent’s construction in and applies modern teaching technology into the teaching process.
  • Networks and Communications
  • LI Yongjun;CAI Wandong;WANG Wei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 91-93.
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    Network tomography(NT) is a new measurement and inferring method, which is different from the traditional network internal measurement method, it infers the network attribute or identifies the network topology based on the measurement occurring on the edge of the network, implementing the network measurement in no connection with network constructor and protocol. This paper makes a survey of recent works of the network tomography, which presents the basic concept and key technology of the NT, and discusses research directions and open problems in this area are discussed.

  • WU Xiaofei;ZHOU Wenli; SU Sixi
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 94-96.
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    A new Internet performance measurement method is proposed. The method is based on monitoring traffic on user terminal; results are given by summarizing measured data from a number of terminals. Analysis shows that 15 terminals can produce accurate results under light network load, and around 1000 terminals needed when network is heavily loaded. A prototype software tool is built and primary test results are presented, the test shows that the proposed method is practical.

  • YANG Deting; NAN Kai;YAN Baoping
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 97-99.
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    Grid technology aims to help eliminate isolated island of hardware and software resources, so that users can achieve the sharing and managing of many kinds of resources and easily provide services on the entire grid. Currently, the great challenge from the requirements of many popular grid applications is how to share and manage data resources in grid architecture. This paper introduces the architecture design to realize publishing data resources efficiently in grid environment, and then applies this idea in the implementation of data publishing system for scientific data grid.
  • SHEN Haihua;JU Dapeng;SHEN Meiming
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 100-102.
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    Rapid promotion is important and frequent for cluster servers. This paper presents a dynamic scalable system reconstruction model based on multi-replica distribution. Then a node dynamic inserting algorithm with a local optimal file transfer and balance policy is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method can reduce the cost of file transfers when dynamic node inserting and supporting the scalability of cluster servers effectively.
  • ZHANG Li ;;YU Zhenwei;ZHANG Yang;LI Ning
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 103-105,.
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    This paper studies the degree and delay constrained overlay multicasting dynamic routing problem, and proposes a new dynamic adaptable overlay multicasting protocol called OMP, and an arithmetic DDCOMR according to the distributing triggers the reorganization. In the end, the paper calculates the complexity of the arithmetic, and simulates the OMP.
  • ZHU Xiaosong
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 106-107.
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    Wireless sensor network is expected to have a significant impact on the efficiency of military and civil applications. Current works about wireless sensor networks are focusing on providing specific applications. However, there must be an effective way for Internet users to gain access to the data produced by the wireless sensor networks. With WSN becoming pervasive and ubiquitous, it is important to integrate WSNs with Internet efficiently. In this paper, a novel integrated solution is designed and illustrated. The architecture consists of user agent, register agent, application agent, and resource manager. It focuses on providing flexible, reliable, energy-efficient service for various applications.
  • SUN Gongxing;YU Chuansong
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 109-110,.
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    The progress of grid computing technology is introduced, in particular, EGEE and LCG architecture. The CPU utilization at the institute of high energy physics is quite low due to separately running of these PC Farms for various experiments. Therefore a campus computing grid is proposed as a solution to the issue of low CPU cycle utilization, it enables to integrate these separately running PC Farms into a grid computing system, so that the utilization of CPU cycle can get improved greatly.

  • CHEN Shaoyu;SONG Jiaxing;LIU Weidong;WANG Cheng
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 111-113.
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    This paper proposes a P2P overlay network based replica location mechanism in data grid. It organizes the global replica index nodes which are at the top level of replica location service into a P2P overlay network by Chord in order to achieve load balance and performance improvement. It argues that the proposed mechanism has the following benefits: low query latency, good scalability, reliability and adaptability.

  • YUE Guangxue;;ZENG Zhifeng;WU Qiyue;ZENG Nangui
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 114-116,.
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    The existing mobile IP handoff scheme has some problems such as more handoff latency, easy to lose packets and poor security. From the point of the motion detection, the key problem of mobile IP handoff, this paper presents and implements an efficient mobile IP handoff scheme which can initiatively predict neighbor mobile IP. It adopts the adaptive initiative predictive algorithm, can predict intelligently according to the network conditions and the movement of the mobile host, and thus a fast and smooth handoff is achieved. Simulation results show that it could effectively solve the above problems, reduce greatly the handoff latency and the counters of handoff, guarantee the packet’s arriving in time, increase the handoff performance of the system, and maintain a better QoS.
  • YAN Xiang;CHEN Kefei;ZHENG Dong
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 117-119.
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    This paper introduces a new SSO scheme with central management. By avoiding every requirement of resource needs an additional logon, it can save lots of cost. In addition, this scheme simplifies existing schemes and taking account of the compatibility with UPnP. After the first logon, the proposal works well even if the host is offline, which is very suitable for digital home application.
  • ZHOU Changyi;DU Xu;XU Kanru
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 120-122.
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    Using the theory of resource scheduler in Linux/RK for reference, this article brings forward a real-time network strategy on the basis of an embedded Linux system. It mostly makes modification in the existing RTLinux, paying special attention to the real-time requirements. This paper develops a mini network subsystem, and replants it in the mini RTLinux kernel. With specific kernel threads, it designs multiple channels for the network subsystem, which supports the concurrent schedule. As a result, the real time performance refering to network is improved.
  • ZHAI Peng ;;LI Dengdao ;BI Jingping
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 123-124,.
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    The paper investigates the route policy between ASs, then presents a method that can conduct new policies. On the basis of that, it also presents a method of between AS polices verification based on AS relationships. Through this method it can find out the abnormal prefix advertise to verify the route policies. It takes an experiment for the method between two ASs in AT&T, and the results are good.

  • ZHANG Fangzhou;;WANG Dongan;;LI Sheng;QIN Gang;;SONG Cheng
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 125-127.
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    The method using J2EE security mechanisms to support RBAC is shown in this paper. First, the configuration of J2EE security systems is given in the paper and the algorithm of J2EE authorization decision is designed. Then, the language of J2EE security description is used to define RBAC, and the realization of the requirement of J2EE security service is given. It has achieved the anticipative effect in virtue of deployment and application on the platform of the national science technology infrastructure.
  • WU Yongying;YANG Zhiyi;YAO Huaxin;SHI Xiaoan
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 128-129,.
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    This paper introduces Smith preestimating feedback controlling algorithm to control events QoS level in real-time CORBA event channel by simulating discrete event, to control the event traffic. The results show that using this controlling algorithm to control the performance of the event channel enables it to achieve real communication with high reliability and low delay.
  • ZHANG Tao;ZHANG Jun;LIU Zhongkan
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 130-132.
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    Based on the classical MPLS technology and the characteristic of mobile satellite networks, a MPLS-based mobile satellite system top design, which includes networking concept, protocol stack and system functional blocks, is proposed. At last, the key problem that must be faced in MPLS-based mobile satellite communication networks is analyzed and some resolutions are given.

  • YANG Huajie;ZHANG Yaoxue;ZHOU Yuezhi;GUO Guanfei
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 133-135,.
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    For transparence computing, it is in demand to share multi-resources in the server clusters, such as CPU, memory, I/O, etc. To the problem that existing algorithms only consider unitary factor and can’t satisfy the new demand perfectly, a dynamic load balancing algorithm based on transparence computing is presented, shortly named LBTC. It denotes and harmonizes multi-resources with load vector. Results from the mean slowdown compare of different methods in different systems executing jobs with different mean memory demand, show that LBTC with an advisably increased complexity can improve respond time and performance, and meet the demand of transparence computing.

  • LI Tieshuai;LIANG Aimin;WANG Kehong
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 136-138.
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    Because of the difference in computing ability of various mobile devices, there is no enough good system that converts current Web contents into the different size according to the mobile device’s ability. This article introduces a Web content adaptation system based on Web annotation that can generate small pages proper to mobile device’s ability and does not need any changes about original Web. Compared to other adaptation system this system can improve some functions: More proper adaptation to different mobile devices and converting speed and so on.
  • LIN Na;XI Cheng;MA Yunsheng
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 139-140,.
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    The purpose of this paper is to describe how to optimize submitting jobs in MPICH through the research on the original submitting job method and thus decrease the communication time and get better communication performance. This paper discusses a new method which is called SBM method for submitting job in MPICH to decrease the startup time and thus to improve communication performance. Indeed the communication time based on the SBM method for job submission is proved experimentally to be much faster than the communication time using a comparable algorithm based on an original method, especially when the number of nodes participated becomes very large.
  • LI Wei;TIAN Ye;ZHAO Baohua;ZHOU Hao
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 141-143.
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    A new general parsing method based on the syntax parsing techniques is proposed for the ABNF-coded protocol messages. Taking the ABNF rule set of the text-message syntax as input, it can automatically parse the protocol messages. The experimental results presented show that the new way is stricter and provides a more general usage compared with the traditional specific methods.

  • XIONG Qibang;HUANG Mingzhe
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 144-146.
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    A network traffic monitor system based on Netflow is presented, and the components of the system are introduced. An analysis is given on the Netflow-processing module, which is the core part of the system. The design of the Netflow-processing module is based on Twsited, which is an asynchronous event-driven networking framework. Compared to the traditional designs based on procedure or multi-thread, such design can save system resource, avoid complexity caused by multi-thread and gain good throughput under high network traffic.
  • WANG Shuai;LIU Lei;CHAI Qiaolin
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 147-149.
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    During the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the communication between pure IPv4 nodes and pure IPv6 nodes is a problem must be solved. The translation gateway based on NAT-PT mechanism is one of solutions for it. The NAT-PT mechanism is thoroughly discussed. A modularized design of the translation gateway based on NAT-PT is brought forward with the application of the netfilter function framework.

  • LI Qiang;WANG Hong;WANG Lechun
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 150-152.
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    At first, the problem of large-scale, heterogeneity and high-speed network and the deficiency of distributed network management model are analysed, then technology of distributed network management and P2P are described. In this eondition, P2P-based distributed network management model is proposed, and the management workstation-the most key part of the model is analysed especially. At the end, the security of the model is proposed, and it puts forward the corresponding countermeasure.

  • Security Technology
  • MA Zhanfeng;;LIANG Li;ZHANG Yujun;ZHAO Qiuxia
    Computer Engineering. 2006, 32(13): 153-155,.
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    As an efficient way to guarantee network security, access authentication has been largely deployed. In order to satisfy the authentication requirements in wireless mobile environment, this paper designs an authentication mechanism based on EAP and Diameter protocol, which can support many authentication method. This authentication mechanism is extensible, and it is easy to manage different authentication processes. This authentication mechanism also performs well in the test environment.