摘要: Pal-King算法的隶属度函数复杂,图像增强速度慢,且渡越点难以设置。针对上述问题,提出一种自适应图像模糊增强快速算法。采用新的隶属度函数使模糊增强函数的增强幅度更大、速度更快,通过改进OTSU算法的自适应阈值计算公式,使渡越点的设置更合理。实验结果表明,与Pal-King算法相比,改进算法具有更快的增强速度和更好的增强效果。
Abstract: Pal-King algorithm has some shortcomings such as complex membership function, low speed of image enhancement and difficulty in transit point set, so this paper presents a fast adaptive image fuzzy enhancement algorithm. By using new membership function, it makes fuzzy enhancement function has higher enhancement extent and speed. Adaptive threshold formula of OTSU algorithm is improved to gain more suitable transit point. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm with adaptive threshold can set better transit point and has better effects of image enhancement and higher speed.
Key words:
image enhancement,
OTSU algorithm,
Pal-King fuzzy enhancement algorithm,
adaptive threshold,
transit point
姜桃, 赵春江, 陈明, 杨信廷, 孙传恒. 自适应图像模糊增强快速算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2011, 37(19): 213-214,223.
JIANG Tao, DIAO Chun-Jiang, CHEN Meng, YANG Shen-Ting, SUN Chuan-Heng. Fast Adaptive Image Fuzzy Enhancement Algorithm[J]. Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(19): 213-214,223.