摘要: 传统认知无线电频谱分配遗传算法面对认知用户之间的干扰,选择在每次迭代之后进行满足干扰约束的处理,使得携带干扰基因的染色体参与整个遗传优化过程。针对该问题,以在遗传过程中控制干扰为目标,设计染色体中的基因表达规则,提出认知无线电频谱分配算法。依据基因表达规则标记显性基因与隐性基因,在下一代染色体中表达显性基因,抑制隐性基因,从而保证染色体的健康,提高算法效率。仿真结果表明,与遗传算法和量子遗传算法相比,当网络中认知用户较多、频谱资源较紧张时,该算法能获得较高的系统总效益和系统接入率。
Abstract: Traditional genetic algorithm is used in cognitive radio spectrum allocation chosen in the last step to solve the interference issue in the face of interference between cognitive users,resulting in the problem that the chromosome of carrying interference gene takes part in the whole genetic process.According to this problem,this paper targets the control of interference in the genetic process,designs rules of gene expression in the chromosome,proposes cognitive radio spectrum allocation algorithm of gene selective inheriting.It marks the dominant and recessive genes by the regulation of gene expression,and expresses the dominant genes and inhibits the recessive gene in the next generation of chromosomes,thereby ensuring the health of the chromosome,improving the efficiency of the algorithm.Simulation results show that the algorithm has better total benefit and higher access ratio compared with Genetic Algorithm(GA) and Quantum Genetic Algorithm(QGA) when more cognitive users and fewer spectrum resources are in the system.
Key words:
cognitive radio network,
spectrum allocation,
Genetic Algorithm(GA),
system benefit,
system access ratio