摘要: 针对计算机视觉系统在移动机器人中的应用,对摄像机标定、图像分割、模式识别、目标距离探测以及双目视觉系统在移动机器人导航中的运用进行分析与研究。文章提出了在特定三维场景中,对不同研究对象采取不同处理方式的复合算法,实现了对于机器人视野内简单几何物体的识别,同时使用双目摄像机结构,直接探测出目标物体相对于机器人的深度距离及其方位角度。
Abstract: This paper analyzes and researches the application of binocular vision system on mobile robot navigation, specially focusing on camera calibration, image segmentation, pattern recognition, and target distance detection. This paper gives a combined algorithm of recognition for different simple geometric objects which is in a particular 3D scene, Meanwhile the distance between the target and mobile robot, and the deviation angle of the target relative to robot can be directly detected by using binocular cameras structure.
Key words:
binocular stereo vision,
camera calibration,
image segmentation,
pattern recognition
崔开涌;王任杰;林小玲. 机器人双目视觉系统的算法研究与实现[J]. 计算机工程, 2008, 34(3): 237-240.
CUI Kai-yong; WANG Ren-jie; LIN Xiao-ling. Research and Realization on Binocular Stereo Vision System of Robot[J]. Computer Engineering, 2008, 34(3): 237-240.